My dear friend Dick Prentke advised me "not to go" to this reunion. He was a year ahead of us..I won't go into the reasons. Suffice it to say that 10 years ago we were still pretty much in the thick of things happening...and now we're, most of us, standing on the sidelines hoping for the best...I don't like being sidelined...and, indeed, according to the younger generation, we're flippin'' parasites: things were great when we were young - anyone could get a job. But things is different now, and not different in a good way!
But my mind is not made up. If it so happens that I can see a window in my freelance employment, if it so happens that I'm feeling good about myself and how I look and what I'm doing, and if curiosity and residual warmth towards quite a few human beings who happened to be in our class of '64 kicks in...then I will fork out the air fare to get to Cleveland in August of 2014. More than that I cannot say. The 2004 Reunion was fun from start to finish...but 10 years has made a difference for most of us: "Getting old ain't for sissies" according to Bette Davis - that inimitable old lady of stage and screen.
Not that I feel that old...I still don't need to dye my's the same colour it's always grey...I kid you not...but going into a restaurant alone and not being noticed is a thing which has happened recently...and it's been years since anyone on a worksite has done anything more provocative than saying, "How're you doing, love," wiith a somewhat tender and avuncular tone of voice...sometimes sexism is not so bad.
But I'm lucky in that I have my daughter Rachel, in Seoul, teaching primary school under the aegis of Dulwich College...a London "public" school i.e."private" which has branches in the
East for Asian parents who want their children to be totally fluent in English...they, the parents pay a fortune for this education, and Rachel finds it very,very fulfilling. She's not with me, nor is my husband from whom I've been separated for 18 years...we're still friendly and eventually WILL get divorced... Live with two darling affectionate cats - but not yet a crazy old cat lady...have a life full of teaching, going to plays, exhibitions, theatre, films etc....and I guess that's the way it's going to be...could be worse...could be better...but I'm not complaining. And as far as finding a partner for my declining years...I don't see that happening. I'm far too contentious, set in my ways, don't suffer fools gladly, and refuse to take a back seat to a male of the species...unless he's far smarter, or kinder, or just delicious to be around...and them kind of males have already been snapped up! I hope I don't sound bitter...just realistic! Being alone ain't the worst thing in the least you don't have to share the "remote!". And if things get really dire..I'm not a Catholic...and having my stash of sleeping pills and a bottle of 18 year old Malt
Whiskey to hand...I have an alternative! But have no intention of using said methods for quite some time...unless I start forgetting the day of the week etc.
My adventurous days are over, or so it would seem...but that's OK, too...had maybe a few too many adventures in my life..."non, Je ne regret pas". Sorry about that for you who remember your French lessons.
In any case that's the state of affairs with me, good ole Patty Richards...sorry I cannot give you a more definitive answer...keep me on your "maybe" list.
Wish you organisers the best of luck - it's a thankless job...but thanks to you in advance! Good Luck!
Yours most faithfully,
Patty Richards Armstrong