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06/27/24 02:06 PM #1381    

Martha Kronheim (Zlotnik)

Hello '64 classmates!

As with many others, some plans go awry.  I will not be at this reunion, but perhaps I will see many of you around  town that weekend.  Stay well.

Martha (Kronheim) Zlotnik

06/27/24 04:57 PM #1382    


Deborah Cole

I so enjoy reading all these posts!  My family moved away before my senior year, which was difficult.  I have never gone to a reunion,because I don't think anyone would remember me.  I remember many of you and wish you well. Living in Shaker was a wonderful time for me.  
Debbie Cole

06/28/24 07:27 AM #1383    


Dan Lesnick

For Jim Krause and any others who missed it, here's the info that Evie posted: 

06/07/24 04:28 PM #1346    


Evie Fertman (Braman)

I am thrilled that we are back on line, I have spent a huge amount of time for weeks and weeks to get this accomplished.  Two companies are involved and one is allergic to returning phone calls.  We've used them for 11 years with no issues so I'm giving them another chance and hoping for the best.  If you have any questions that are not answered below please feel free to call me anytime at 216-288-4506.


COURTYARD IN BEACHWOOD, 216-765-1900, 3695 Orange Place.

HOMEWOOD SUITES IN BEACHWOOD, 216-464-9600, 25725 Central Parkway

Prices fun from $159 - $169 per night, free wifi, free parking, ask about free breakfast since their policy may have changed since I booked the rooms.


REUNION COST:  $150 for both nights, $75 for one night.  Please send your check to:

           Evie Braman,  #1004, 13800 Shaker Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio 44120

The venue is the Sherwin-Gilmour Party Center, 5947 Mayfiled Road.  The driveway is hard to find, I'm hoping to have balloons at the end of the drive.  it's on the north side of Mayfield just west of Lander Road.  As you are looking north from the street the driveway is a few feet to the right of the Verizon Store.  We have the room from 6:00 to 11:00 on Friday and 6:00 to 11:30 on Saturday.

Dress is casual, dinner is buffet each night, there is a cash bar.  

I'll be sending out a list of ways you might want to spend your free time.  I inquired about another tour of the high school but they will be waxing the floors and won't let anyone in the building who isn't working there.

I've worked it out that the Choir can meet at the venue at 4:00 and sing but there is no piano. Marianne Coplan Schapiro is in charge of all things Choir so please contact her at to let her know that you are interested in joining othe Choir members before the Reunion.  She can decide which day (or both)  you'll be meeting.

We will be sending out a similar message by email to try to reach more people, tell everyone who you might think would be interested in joining us!!

Call me with any questions or ask them on the Forum and I will respond.

Hope to see a lot of you there!!



06/08/24 10:36 AM #1347    


Evie Fertman (Braman)

Reunion Dates!!


August 2 and 3!!!!!





06/28/24 08:25 AM #1384    


Marianne Coplan (Schapiro)

Dear fellow grads--

In case you have recently read or re-read Evie's lengthy informational post, I want to clarify again that, due to a conflicting event, I will not be able to attend the reunion in August. So, unless someone else steps up to organize a choir gathering, there won't be a special singing session.

My best to all who can attend in August; I'm sure it will be great !--Marianne

06/28/24 04:59 PM #1385    

Ellen R Friedman (Smith)

A few of us have asked for an attendance list, as was done for the 50th. That was very helpful and encouraged classmates to attend. I think a lot of our classmates stopped using this website, over the past 10 years, and know nothing about the reunion. Is there a way to reach out to them to get back on the website and update their profiles?  

06/29/24 10:08 AM #1386    


Craig Miller


My sincerest apologies for not being able to attend the reunion. However, in the spirit of fond memories, I dug up this photo of some of the senior class at the Mentor Headlands beach, after partying all day after graduation. Some eagle eyes can pick out the individuals in the beach gang. My fondest wishes to all. "Party On", as they say.


06/30/24 05:22 PM #1387    

Cheryl Kushner (Lane)

I don"t remember going to any beach party!!

07/01/24 11:17 AM #1388    


Marianne Coplan (Schapiro)

I sort of remember a party at the beach, but didn't remember it as part of graduation festivities. I THINK that's Richard Bloomfield on the guitar, and it looks like me (with my natural brown hair in a "bubble,") kneeling nearby. and I think I also recognize the late Tom Osher. Wow! What a pic!


07/02/24 12:28 PM #1389    


Alaina Weisman (Zachary)

I remember a picnic after Graduation but that's it. I sewed my outfit because I was into sewing that year. Anyone recall a picnic? I didn't go to the Mentor beach event for sure. Can anyone help out with post graduation memories? 


Here's an old photo of many of us..... 

07/02/24 07:37 PM #1390    

Cheryl Kushner (Lane)

Love this!

07/03/24 01:13 AM #1391    


Dana Shepard (Treister)

AH, my Sweet Sixteen party, with the names written in my handwriting!  Thanks for posting, Alaina, and thanks for commenting, Cheryl, and... thanks for being there!

;   ))

07/03/24 12:43 PM #1392    


Alaina Weisman (Zachary)

THANKGOD for Dana's excellent memory.  I think the only reason Ihad the photo is because Laurie Shiffman Serwit must have sent it!  

Shocking we've lost so many of us so early and now we're OLD.  Fabulous that so many of us are still around and reasonably cogent.

07/03/24 02:17 PM #1393    


Roger Schulman

Dear Classmates,

This will be the first reunion I will miss.  Some of you might know that in my third act I have been writing song lyrics for the past year and a half. If you're interested,  go to youtube@mannstallsmusic to see a couple of our lyric videos.  My Nashville name is Roger Mann.  Best to all.

07/05/24 09:24 PM #1394    

Mark M Levin

I plan to attend the reunion. Is there a form or a payment that I need to send?

Mark M Levin

Westfield, Indiana

07/06/24 10:55 AM #1395    


Betsy Dennis (Frank)

Mark, hope Lesley coming as well. How is retirement. 

07/12/24 03:43 PM #1396    


Evie Fertman (Braman)



Reunion is August 2 and 3!!

Dress is casual, cost is $150, please mail your checks to me soon as I have some bills I have to pay before the night of the Reunion!

Evie Braman

#1004, 13800  Shaker Blvd., Cleveland,  44120


Thanks, Hope to see you all there!!


07/13/24 06:57 PM #1397    


Jeffrey D Woolf

There is a list of "truly missing" classmates.  I was able to locate over half of them, but there are others I could not find for various reasons (too many people with similar names, some women may have gotten married & changed their names, etc.).  I might be able to find more people if I have an exact DOB, a middle name, married name, or other information.  (I emailed the webmaster about revising the list but received no response.)  If anyone is interested in helping, please let me know.  If so, I will post the reduced list, since the webmaster didn't respond, and you can post whatever additional information you might have.  (Or you can email me directly at


07/14/24 12:44 PM #1398    


Paige Fields (Hoebel)

There seems to be a new feature on the Shaker '64 website.  Under "In Memory" you can now see photographs of lost classmates.  If you have photos please post them for all of us to remember.

07/16/24 04:42 PM #1399    

Richard B Silver

John  Bennett died February 4, 2023

07/18/24 12:11 PM #1400    


Joan Pekoc (Pagano)

My husband James and I are coming in from NYC and are very excited to be attending Reunion festivities on Saturday.  We also have 5 brothers and their families living in the Heights area, so it will be a wonderful family visit as well!

07/25/24 12:00 PM #1401    


Evie Fertman (Braman)

Hi!  We're getting pretty close to the Reunion Weekend!

A couple of things that I wanted to share follow:

After giving precise instructions as to how to get to the venue Verizon has moved across the street and changed everything!  You are now looking at an empty, pretty, beige, free standing building that USED to be Verizon!! The wide driveway, hoever, is still there!  If you are going west from Lander Road you want the third driveway on the right, remember that you can't see the building from the street.  The driveway is also directly across from the western driveway of Staples which is across the street.

Also, I purposely do not include who is coming because someone will look at the list and think that their friends won't be there and then I get the friends' checks the next day.  Also, one of the best things about the Reunions is that you meet a lot of interesting people who you weren't friendly with in high school.  If you have to know if certain people are coming you can always call me at 216-288-4506 and I'll let you know.  

Please check your information on the Shaker64 site, a lot of it is outdated and we might not have your correct email and physical addresses.

Please call me with any questions, and no, it's not too late to send me a check!!!  216-288-4506,  checks to: Evie Braman, #1004, 13800 Shaker Blvd., Cleveland, 44120.

07/25/24 12:10 PM #1402    


Evie Fertman (Braman)

Jim Baumoel has informed me through Steve Joseph that the rumor of his death (for which I totally take responsibility!!) is greatly exaggerated, to steal a little bit from Mark Twain!!  Someone told me that he had died and I checked it on the Internet as I always do and actually found him there, departed from us in 2022.  Fortunately for us it was a different James Baumoel, my condolences to the other one's survivors.   And yes, Jim was very surprised to hear that news!!  It also shook Steve Joseph to the core - he's currently recovering nicely.  And I learned how to recessitate people on our web site when falsely accused of leaving us so he is no longer on our Memorium List.

07/25/24 04:31 PM #1403    


Evie Fertman (Braman)

I just registered Lorrie Saltzman Fromson in our In Memorium list.  I read her obit in the Cleveland Jewish News  flag that I receive by email.  Our list has her last name as Sedley but  her second husband was Fromson, not Sedley, so I don't know where that came from.

07/25/24 06:20 PM #1404    


Evie Fertman (Braman)

I mistakenly clicked on Faulb instead of Saltzman so if that came through, Laurie Faulb is fine as far as I know!!   
I think I need a nap.

07/26/24 04:07 PM #1405    

Edward M Kovachy, Jr

I am delighted to learn that my cheerleading buddy Jimmy Baumoel is alive and well and quoting, doubtless with his wonderful twinkle in his eyes and his radiant smile, Mark Twain.  Yippee! 






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