Dana Shepard (Treister)
Responding to Joe's post about the Century of Progress houses in Beverly Shores, IN, we have a 2nd home quite nearby in Dune Acres, IN, and are quite familiar with those architectural wonders. They are open for tours once a year in the early fall, and we've visited more than once.
Apart from the famous Century of Progress houses, there is a Lustron house even closer to us https://arccadigest.org/the-lustron-home/ A previous owner had it open for visitors on a regular basis in return for tax concessions, but not currently - fascinating to see!
We've also done this tour https://www.indianadunes.com/blog/post/logs-to-lustrons/ and toured all these amazing houses. The last one photographed was literally taken apart, restored, and reassembled by ONE family within the last decade -- a couple and their young adult son - and none of them professional builders! And the couple was on hand to explain the process - -truly a labor of love!
Yes, I am a modern architecture buff!
Thanks, Joe, for raising the topic~